Thursday, May 1, 2008


Happiness is a feeling. A feeling can only be felt at present. You can not remember a event in the past and remember how you felt a certain feeling without feeling that feeling again.

That said, reflecting on positive things in the past will bring back that positive feeling. It is only a "reflective feeling" though, and has no further future value. "reflecting on a event when one reflected on a event will not bring the same happy reflective feeling as when reflecting on a event directly." (going to far for ya? ;) )

When you are sitting there and discussing things with your buddies, the happiest moments you are going to find are the ones where you did things together. If your relationship with those specific buddies fade, your happy memories might fade as well. The reflective feelings will be gone and the event will loose some of it's value. One clear example for this is in relationships between couples. When one relationship ends the nice feelings you shared will fade, and if you enter another relationship the past events with the other person might be negative to even speak about.

Even if things are likely to end bad in a relationship, the things you have done together should count for something. You might not be able to be reflectively happy about them any longer, but hopefully they have thought you something valuable. This is in my point of view a nice definition of experiences.

These experiences are what helps you in your pursue for a better, and more happy future life. One can see it as an effort made in the past which will improve the success of finding happiness in in future.

Summary: Happiness is real only when shared. Happy memories can be reflected on and bring those happy feelings back. If a relationship ends the happy feelings will fade and the events will turn to mere experiences. These experiences are what guides you in your pursue for a happier future life.

Conclusion: First of all: Do stuff and invite your friends to it! Secondly: Reflect about them together, and remember the experiences still if your friendship ends.

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