Monday, April 28, 2008

a quote

The greatest manageable disorder should be strived after, since that minimizes the amount of energy needed to get things into the preferred system. All in accordance with the law of entropy ;)

This does not go well with the organization philosophy... or does it?

I would say that it works as some kind of boundary condition. To be able to maintain the system of organization, the system has to be as simple as possible, else it will probably get to much resistance.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Keeping it all together

Why should one organize?

The following text is the basic structure of my view on organizing.

First of all, organizing should not be limited to one project at a time. I'm talking big here. Work, School, home - all is the same. Organizing means organizing your life. And this is most certainly not an easy task. The first step into organizing is to look at what specifically is being done.

Most people have very diverse lives. There are lots of activities happening all the time. It can be very confusing to keep these things separated. If there is a lack of a clear management system this can lead to a lot of stress in peoples life.

The first step in organizing is to find out what is being done. The next logical thing to do is to ask why it is being done. This leads to finding the purpose of the action. This purpose is in my point of view one of the key points in a good management and organization system.

The purpose for each activity may lay on different levels of abstraction. To be able to organize these purposes the highest level of abstraction need to be found. This level should correspond to a persons core values. If it does not, the activity is not worth doing.

After the core values are found one can start sorting all the activities. (One should try to strive after activities that has few jumps in abstraction between the purpose of the activity and the core values, or at least rank them according to this.)

The sorting could be illustrated by a folder structure. This is not a definite system though, since activities can fall into many categories at the same time.


For the last couple of days, if not weeks, I've been trying to organize my stuff. Organize everything falling into my life basically.

On my journey for the "ultimate experience in sorting" I've encountered various tools. Computer software, organising philosophies (created some of my own ;) ), hardware tools to help etc.

To be honest I'm quite far away from a solution to the problem yet, but some ideas have come to my liking and I'm here to share them! (and to remember for myself of course!)

Stay tuned ;)